lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016


This friday i went to another food drive in the same supermarket but this time it was with another organisation called caristas i leave you the link down:

It was from 1:40 pm to 5:30 pm, we ate quick at school and a minibus from the school took us there. When we arrived there we started giving small bags, so that the people that went to buy they could buy some food and put them inside the bag.

I think that we dind´t collect so much food as the last time because it was on friday and the time was a little bit bad, because at that time not a lot of people go to buy food.

I has a great notice today because i found that in the local newspaper of my city, that it is a pretty big newspaper they have published an article talking about our labour. I leave you the link of the article here :

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016


This last weeakend here in sapin we had 5 days free including weeakend. So all those days i spend  them in my county house in huelva. I have a big country with rivers, mud, sand, rock in less words it is a paradise to do enduro.

Becouse for CAS i need to profe my hours, i did i video of my country and there is also some short clips of the motorbike, i could record more from my ride in the dirtbike becouse i lost the ssuport to put my camera in the helmet but before i lost it i recorded some things.


I took a lot of time to record these video becouse i had to walk a lot and record in many places and in some of those places i had to wait a long time for the time lapse videos, so i hope you enjoy it

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2016

Preparation Of The Lottery for Charity

The table with all the prsent for the lottery
Today we are organizing a lottery for tomorow, there is a lot of staff that parent left us to sell it. It cost 1euro each ticket and you can win a lot of different prizes from nootbooks, to wies, movies, watches and a lot of different staff. We also have lots of book that people can buy, the prize is 1 euro four book, and there are some pretty good books. I am also organizing with some friends a coffee shop and the money that we take is going to the charities.

Tomorrow i have to come to school at 9:45 to open the lottery and when the next turn of people come i will go to the coffee shop and help there until lunch time

Today i have to keep organizing staff for the lottery and for the coffee shop, until 5 p.m

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

The Projects that I planned for CAS

For CAS we have to do at least one project but i already planed two. The first one that i am planing is called CHALLENGES, i am doind it with three friends of the school and we have been planing these for like one month and we are going to do it next sunday.
It consist of a few fun challenges that the kids have to try to win them.These are some of the challenges that we are planning:

1.  Dizzy Penaltis: you have to go around a ball for 30 seaconds and when you finish, you quikly have to shout a penalty and try to score it.ç

2.  Crossbar challange: It consits of shouting a ball from 11 meters and you have to try to hit the post of the goal.

3.  Sack race: you go inside a big sack and jumping you have to win a race against other kids.

Another of the projects that i am planing is to go to Marroco to take clothes, pens, notebooks, toys and all the things that i can collect. I will do these on the 31 of december and i will upload another entry with more details and finally i will upload a video on my youtube channel (Miguel siles) giving them the staff that i can find.

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

My Youtube Channel

I started I youtube channel like 1 year ago, but it was just for fun and I din´t toke it serusly. But know I am strating to take it more serious and i am uploading one video each week.
The videos are of all types but normally they are or dirtbike videos or tech videos. I dont have a good camera that is why i have to record with my fathers phone. But i ordered santa claus to bring me a camera i hope it comes. Anyway my youtube channel is called :  Miguel Siles

I will leave you the link of my latest video i hope you enjoy it.

Latest Video

This last video it was from my trainig to marroco you can read it in the other entry. If you like tech you can also check my latest and first video of tech.

TECH video

I you like blogs and tech you can also take a look to my blog of tech.

Tech Blog

I hoped you enjoyed everything and enjoy
good day.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Food Drive

Me and my friends in the door of the supermarket.
On saturday the 5 of november me and some friends from me school went to help in a food drive for the most necesitated people. We had to go to a big supermarket that there is in our city and in the door of the supermarket we asked people if they could buy some food inside the supermarket for us. So when the go out they could gave it to us so we could give it to the people that can´t afford it.
We gave them some leaflets with the information of the charity we where helping and with a list of products they could buy to help us.
A lot of people help us but there where also lots of people that din`t gave us anything, some of them enter the supermarket running so we din´t ask them, they also said that they din`t  have money and few minutes later they came out of the supermarket with a trolley fill of food.
The charity we where helping is called madre coraje as you can see in the photo, i leave you here the link of their webpage if you want to help them, they do a great labour helping :

We had two stands because there were two doors to enter the supermarket, only me stand collected 4 trolleys of pasta, lentils, rice, etc..., we also collected 15 liters of oil and more less 15 liter of milk so i think we did a good job. I felt preatty god when we finish the food drive and i saw all the food that we collected i think that i am going to do it again.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Training For Marroco

Just before i started riding
A long time ago I planned a trip to Marroco, I planned for december with the motorbikes, but to do this trip I had to get strong because we spend 8 hours a day with the motorbike and you need to be strong if you want to endure the hole jurney. I also had some problems because I got sick and I was in the hospital and with a disease for four months, so I lost the few muscles that I had.

When I finish my training I will upload in this blog a video of what I did in the next two moths to train for Marroco.

I started my trainig today, I went with my father to ride the motorbike to see how bad I am and I am pretty bad. We ride for one hour in a sand terrain that is similar to the terrain that we ride on Marroco, and when we reached home I could`t keep going, i was really really tierd.

Youtube video from my tranning of today

 I felt only one time and I felt because i was riding really slow in the sand, so I lost the balance and Ï felt but i dint´t get injured, I just got more tyred.

So know I now that I have to train my arms and my quadriceps becouse they hurted a lot.

My youtube channel :

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

My first CAS activity "THE RACE"

The people from my school that went to the race

On Saturday 22 of October I went to my first CAS activity. It was a race of 3 km through Jerez de la frontera, it was a very bad day, it was raining but the rain didn't stop us from running.

I went to the race and I started running but since I have been sick 4 months in a hospital, I didn't have muscles to finish the race. So in the half of the race more less I went out from the race, because i was really tyred and i couldnt keep going.
I also went off the race because it was the birthday of my aunt and I had to go to Rota to her birthday party and i was runnig late